Friday, October 7, 2011

Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl

Hazumu, Yasuna, Tomari
one of the aliens
Hazumu & Yasuna caught kissing
As the title can tell, this does have a yuri story line (yuri in Japaneses means lesbian). It's about a guy named Hazumu who asks out the girl of his dreams, Yasuna.  She says sorry and runs off.  He decides to go on a hike by himself to try and forget about Yasuna. Along the way he sees a shooting star & makes a wish. In the Manga he wishes to start over. But in the anime he wishes to be more manly. The shooting star is really aliens that crash land on top of him killing him. They feel bad for killing him so they bring him back to life, but there's a problem. He is now a she, straight down to the D.N.A. When his friends are looking for him the aliens reappear & tell the whole world what they have done. They are sorry for his death & turning him into a girl. Note in the Manga which is for 16 year olds & up he is beamed down unconscious and fully clothed. It is only Tomari who catches him and feels him up by accident. But in the anime which is for 13 years olds & up he is beamed down naked back to the mountain were Yasuna & Tomari catch him & Tomari still by accident feels up his boob. Hazumus parents instead of being worried or feel pity for their new daughter they're happy because the mom always wanted a daughter. Hazumu's mom is always dressing Hazumu up in different outfits & her dad is a perv who just wants to take a bath with his new 16 year old daughter & take pictures.  Some of the pics are distasteful so the mom kicks his ass every time he gets too dirty.  But the fun doesn't stop there because now Yasuna wants Hazumu & confesses her love to the new girl. But Hazumu believed at the time they were both girls and how could they be together. That changed when Yasuna kissed Hazumu & Tomari walked in on them kissing. Tomari is Hazumus oldest friend. They have been together since they were little.  Hazumus has always been weak and cries a lot so Tomari has protected him & secretly was in love with him but was content just being by his side. That is until she starts dealing with the new female Hazumu. She gets all kinds of emotions that she doesn't know how to handle until she fanily confesses her love to Hazumu. Now Hazumus is in a love triangle with his first crush & his best friend. She knows who ever she picks will hurt the other. Hazumu also has to deal with the aliens who have decided to study her new form & her love life. There are two aliens, one is the one you saw before he discises him self as a teacher & Hazumus cousein.

Alien teacher Mr. Sora

Jan Puu & Hazumu asleep
The secound alien is the ship its self which is a clone of Hazumu except with long pink hair & pink eyes. Her name is Jan Puu. Jan Puu is in love with Hazumu because back when he was a boy when the ship laned on him and beleaves she kissed him. Jan Puu calls Hazumu Onee-nii-sama which means sister brother which is what she calls Hazumu. Jan Puu sleeps in Hazumus bed with her & she always either grabs her chest or puts her head on her chest like its a pillow. Hazumu dosent mind because she lost the fight & just decided it's better to accept it.  Hazumu has two more friends & they are Ayuki & Asuta. Ayuki she is the type who watches love insted of experiencing it. In the manga she has what I think is in love conection with the alien Sora. In the anime she only played the role of an observer, but in the manga she a mad scientist. Asuta is Hazumus only guy friend & he's kind of a hopeless loser. When Hazumu turned into a girl he fell in love with her. To prevent him from gaining any ground or turning the love triangle, Ayuki hurts him or shuts him down almost every time the rest. Tomari also beats Asuta to a pulp for being a pervert. The final character is Namiko & a human. She is always saying how proud she is that she has never had a boy friend in her 35 years of life until she meats Mr. Sora. She falls in love with him in the same way Asuta fell love with Hazumu. But Ms.Namiko is a total clutz who falls in a hole & falls off cliffs. In the manga she doesn't get Mr.Sora & it suggests she dated girls back in high school when she was popular. In the anime Mr.Sora kiss her at the end of the series & they disappear to who knows where to be alone. The manga is good. It's a 5 book manga give it a 4 1/2 yuri aliens out of 5. As for the anime it wasn't as good as it could be. The voice actors & voice actress weren't that great. I give it  3 yuri aliens out of 5. There are 13 episodes of the anime in all. the manga Publisher is Seven Seas Manga & the animes is by Anime Works & Yuri Fan. The next review will be on the anime Eden of the East.